Burn After Writing?

Third in the series “A Trilogy of Morning Pages”

What do we do with our journals when words overflow and pages are full?

I am an oracle of the Morning Page. My journals expose my growth as a writer: who I once was, who I am now, and where I’ll go tomorrow.

Some Pages hold rough cuts of a story. The glimmer of a personal essay. The skeletal outline of a feature article. Some are crammed with characters, scenes and dialogue for the novel I struggle to write. Still others have potential for clever tweets or blog entries. This is what I keep, transferring the handwritten paragraphs to electronic form in languishing anticipation for the muse to strike.

I harbor no future famed illusions of an author’s “found” journals, yet I can’t throw them away. And so, the pile of frenzied words grows faster, almost, than I can write.